Shallow South
5348 Bellaire Drive
New Orleans, LA 70124
NOAA Weather
Last Updated on Dec 2 2019, 10:51 am CST
Weather by NOAA
Current Conditions: Fair
Temp: 52°F
Wind: North at 16mph
Humidity: 49%
Windchill: 47°F
Jacks of July
Although we have had constant west winds, which is our least favorite wind direction in Louisiana, the Jack fishing has been very solid. We have had some good pushing fish on the flats and lots of schooling action in open water. We boated a total of 35 jacks on fly in 12 days of fishing. […]
There’s many opportunities during the summer when you’re fly fishing in Louisiana
During the summer months we try to get an early start to beat the heat, fortunately summer is one of the best times to hunt pushing fish. Both Redfish and giant Jack Crevalle become very active at this time. Their mornings are spent cruising flats in search of bait. Although we start earlier with low […]
Summer is here
This has definitely been one of the best spring seasons I’ve seen in a while and it’s looking like the good fishing should continue into summer. The fish in the interior marsh have grouped up and a 20 + fish school has been a common occurrence. The temperature is the only problem with this time […]
Spring + bad weather = put up the fly rod and grab the plugs
With the right conditions it’s hard to beat spring sight fishing for redfish… That being said the weather is not always conducive to what you want to do. Lucky for us when the skies cloud up and the wind picks up, this makes for a perfect topwater situation. Although you can’t see the fish before […]
Spring Redfish on Fly in Full Swing
It’s that time of year again when the water warms and the grasses start growing, filtering the water. The interior marsh goes from a milky mess to a sight fisherman’s paradise within only a couple weeks. The season starts around March with a few pockets here and there clearing up. As the grasses continues to […]
Big Season finish with Big Redfish
Late February into early March has been pretty good this year. Although the water clarity has been some of the worse I’ve seen at this time of year, luckily the tailing action has continued to be good. The average size of the big fish has been impressive too 28-31 lb range(42-46 in). Probably switching […]
Great Weather Fly Fishing in Louisiana
It probably only happens a couple days a year but it happens… Light winds and blue bird skies… This makes for some incredible Louisiana fly fishing. The good weather makes areas fish able that otherwise would not be. Good weather mixed with anglers with the ability to get the job done is a recipe for […]
Fly fishing for Little Redfish to Save the Day!
With the Mississippi River much higher then usual we have had dirty river water invading are normally clear winter big redfish zones. This makes for a tough day to just go target big redfish. Although I will try for a while, at a certain point I just want to catch some fish… Fortunately the little […]
Tailing Big Redfish
I would consider seeing a 25+lb fish tailing in less than a foot of water one of the greatest sights you could see in the marsh. Now this isn’t something that happens everyday but if you have the right conditions this time of year and you’re in the right spot, your odds go way up. […]
The most wonderful time of the year… Sheepy season!
Starting in mid November and going through mid March is what I consider Sheepshead season. Not to say there are not sheepies here through the year it’s just easiest to fish for them during these times. This is due to the fact the water in the oyster ponds tend to get very clear during this […]