Shallow South
5348 Bellaire Drive
New Orleans, LA 70124
NOAA Weather
Last Updated on Dec 2 2019, 10:51 am CST
Weather by NOAA
Current Conditions: Fair
Temp: 52°F
Wind: North at 16mph
Humidity: 49%
Windchill: 47°F
Capt Aaron Gelfand
Captain Aaron Gelfand was born and raised in Louisiana where he grew up fishing the local waters from the time he could stand on his own two feet. Aaron possesses an extreme passion for wetland conservation efforts, and his knowledge of the wetlands of Louisiana and the local ecosystem is extensive. A fishing experience with […]
Capt Michael Pittman
Michael has nearly five years of fishing experience out of Venice serving in all capacities from deck hand to Captain for Fish Venice Charters, a position he assumed in April 2012. Since then, he has led hundreds of charters, along the way setting records for the third largest Yellow Fin Tuna in the Gulf […]
Keeping it Interesting
We had to make the most of this windy partly cloudy day. When the sun popped out we looked for redfish and when the clouds blocked the sun we blind casted for trout. We were successful at both but would of rather spot fished all day. Still a pretty entertaining day though.
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Mike is Back for Seconds
After coming in during early December and just spanking them, Mike literally couldn’t wait to come back. Day one was bad weather, we had some shots but not many. Day 2 was a totally different story. Within about 2 minutes of turning the engine off we spot a big fish laid up on a bar. […]