Shallow South
5348 Bellaire Drive
New Orleans, LA 70124
NOAA Weather
Last Updated on Dec 2 2019, 10:51 am CST
Weather by NOAA
Current Conditions: Fair
Temp: 52°F
Wind: North at 16mph
Humidity: 49%
Windchill: 47°F
The Comprehensive Guide to Tutoring Networks
As the international educational landscape continues to advance, tutoring networks have actually become a vital component in the mission for scholastic excellence. These networks offer a diverse selection of discovering possibilities, dealing with trainees of every ages and scholastic levels. They serve as a very useful supplement to typical educational systems, giving personalized guidance and […]
Early Summer Fly fishing
It has been a great a summer minus Covid and of course the tropical storms and or hurricanes. Early summer was awesome. Had a couple jacks around town that were acting right but not the numbers we get in later summer. So after the early morning jack bite we were switching gears to laid up […]
Spring Fly Fishing and Covid 19
As we began to hear word of a virus spreading the spring fishing was on fire! Cool temps and good sun made for some great days! Then we got locked down… I lost pretty much all of my April trips but was able to get back out again in May. Fortunately I have the rental […]
Typical fall and early winter fly fishing in Louisiana
Overall our fall and early winter was decent. Luckily the weather was actually pretty good so we were able to fish a good bit of days. Unfortunately we had to deal with dirtier then normal water due to the Mississippi River pumping more fresh water into our system then it normally does. Hopefully it’ll be […]
Flyfishing In Louisiana during Late Summer for Pre-spawn Bulls and some other great Species
With fall weather becoming more and more volatile, the consistent summer weather is looking more and more attractive to fisherman looking to catch big fish. Throughout the summer, it is relatively common to find big redfish doing redfish things when you look in the right places, of course. This is especially true just before they […]
Flyfishing Spring to Summer in Louisiana
Although the inside fishing was very good this spring I was ready to take my “new to me” bay boat into some big water. She is 24 ft long with a 250 hp engine and a fuel capacity of 80 gallons. This opens up many different options. There’s almost endless rigs in the 20-200 ft […]
Winter to Spring 2019
Winter wore on with less then desirable conditions. We still caught some fish but mentally it was draining. I was just hoping for the sun to come out and stay out. It eventually did clear up with good light throughout most our early spring. The fish numbers in the interior marsh were very good and […]
Fall Fly Fishing and Weather Expectations
The weather this past fall never seemed to clear up with what seemed like never ending cloudy days. When that happens you need to adjust your expectations… cherish the calm days and try to make every shot count. This fall was full of less then desirable forecasts that we had to make the best out […]
Summer fly fishing options in Louisiana
This past summer started off strong with some jacks moving in relatively early and backing fish in ankle deep water(when the tide was right). But as soon as the jacks appeared they seemed to disappear and I was forced to fish in other areas. This paid off. What I found in these “other areas” were […]
Big Spring
This spring has been one to remember… Typically I stay in the interior marsh chasing slot fish in the 6-12 lb range. But this year the grasses grew thick early and choked up much of the interior marsh making many areas almost unfishable. Although this is a normal process, it usually doesn’t happen until mid-summer. […]