Shallow South is a fly fishing and light tackle charter company operating in the marshes of Southeastern Louisiana in and around the New Orleans area. Louisiana, also known as Sportsman’s Paradise, is a year-round fishery with a wide variety of species to target, although we focus primarily on sight-fishing for redfish. Below are links to descriptions of flats fishing opportunities in each season. 

louisiana spring flyfishing
jack flyfishing louisiana
Fisherman with his catch during Fall fishing trip
winter flyfishing louisiana


An old man poses with the fish he caught
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Top Water to Save the Day

The past few weeks have been anything but pleasant.  Seems like our weather is just punishing us for having such a nice fall.  Well, when you have guys that have traveled hundreds of miles to just have the opportunity to catch one of our…
Woman is happy to pose with the fish she caught
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End of December Pics

Here is the rest of my December pics.  Sorry it took until February to post them but we have been busy.  We had the usual big fish bite in the ponds but on certain days we were able to pop outside and chase birds which is always entertaining.…
Two men strike a pose with the fish they caught
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Ridiculous December Double

  Here is a day back in December that although started cloudy we had calm wind and very happy fish.  The fish were floating so high they had the tips of their tails breaking the surface.  Both casters were very talented and hit…


Red color logo of Hatch Outdoors
The logo of Costa, a sponsor of the fishing trips
The logo of East Cape boat manufacturers
The logo of Rio Fly Lines, a sponsor of the trips


Send Us a Message

We would love to hear from you! We are often out on the water and out of phone range, but please drop us a line and we will get back in touch with you as soon as possible!
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