Fly Fishing Trips

Fly fishing trips are organized by Shallow South


Come join one of our many experienced fly fishing guides and let them pole you into position for that fish of a lifetime!

Fly Fishing Trips

Spring/ Summer

This time of year offers anglers the opportunity to see an abundant amount of fish. The name of the game is finding locations that have clean water. Our guides hunt tirelessly to locate areas with abundant vegetation. Densely vegetated ponds and channels act as a natural filtration system cleaning dirty water deposited by our river systems. These protected areas also hold an enormous amount of bait. All these factors combined make for a sight fishing experience filled with numerous shots at eagerly awaiting fish!

Fall/ Winter

This time of year offers anglers the opportunity at a redfish of a lifetime! The colder months bring with them the arrival of giant redfish cruising our outer bays in search of warmer water and the baitfish it brings with it. The added bonus of fishing in the cooler and colder months is the fact that the sediments in our waters drop out leaving it crystal clear. What could be better than getting a front row seat to a forty plus pound redfish inhaling your fly?

Boats – Technical poling skiffs (mostly East Cape)
1-2 people

Send Us a Message

We would love to hear from you! We are often out on the water and out of phone range, but please drop us a line and we will get back in touch with you as soon as possible!
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